up here

the birds are very close up here
where it is easy and essential
to turn your ankles 
each way
in the morning
to sustain on peanutbutter
a slow come down off 
the mold of baked goods

to wake up wearing
dresses that
turn you longer
than the shadows of light poles do 
arch over 

a spider sits right above us
up here 
legs drawn over the edge of its bed
you look as if a dream
had gently elongated 
you through
the night to the sea at the end of my wake

will we come down from up here
the sun gets so close
stacked glued a thickness of stone 
fascia of data
needs a pin prick
a rubber tube poked through 
mouth round one end breathing the other
a flower shaped as a funnel
spirals outward and away from itself
put the hole in your head against it to reveal what could not be regarded before