new g0dZ



the end of all idols and idolatry

this is the thing, you are the god. i am the god. we are all the gods we have been looking for. 

it is right there

in the space

between everything we think will get us there.

gods are hiding in spaces

but when you say hiding it 

implies they do not want to be found

this is not so

we are




and by not looking

i mean

not taking 

the time

to be there

the whole





who will my new gods be?

when i forsake the ones

here now

we were never

getting along


god of love

isnt that what they claim that one to be now?

funny way of expressing it

funny way of emulating it

god of love that creates force

god of love born from collision

that takes two 

to make a connection 

do we still have to leave room between

no not for this god

this god is the connection

this god dies in the space

god of walking

god of this year being the one where i make my legs


god of always making time

of peeling back every moment to reveal it was made of more moments

and you can have as much time as you want if you keep standing there


have you ever laminated with butter

the croissant is an ode to time

god of slowness

god of realizing you were always behind only because

no one else was taking time

god of take your time

you can take and have and eat your time too

it tastes so good that way

god of bending time

the kind of bend that pushes in the middle, so layers begin to separate 

at their edges

dont ask me how it is just force and physics its just how the universe is built

god of have you ever witnessed something you take completely for granted because it 

simply is the way it is

without philosophy or religion 

making claims

like a flat surface sits on a flat surface

i guess gravity has that one

god of hedonistic tendency get what you want have your time and your cake

and have three drinks and have a bowl of cherry mash and slurp it with a straw

and the god of tongues will clean it up for you 

god of mirrors not the one who obsesses to reflect something other than what it shows but the one who stretches just like god of shadows : 

in the stretch god of mirrors becomes more defined, while god of shadows starts to fray around the edges

god of fog god of steam god of rain god of ice: god who decides how hot the water should be and then calls on the proper god for the job

god of the bath god of the kitchen god of gatherings and parties

god of green 

god of butterflies

god of horses

god of fences 

god of hills 


god of stretching 

god of the yawn who is here to tell you it is no mystery that even your brain gets restless and needs to stretch and a big gulp of air awakens sooths and stimulates it and everyone else in the room could use a good brain stretch too so why not come on everybody


god of aim




god of nets webs and strings

god of salt

god of silks

god of fountains


god of the stars

god of the moon

who is

the moon


god of wake

god of sleep

god of clouds

god of dream

god of my deepest secret desire

that is secret not out of shame

but as gift to 

god of knowing 

each time a thing is shared

its power is diluted

who shared a womb with

god of knowing

that some things must be shared

to dilute their power

god of that which i would actually die for 

i cannot say whether or not that god and i have met yet



are they gods or angels

are they the same


the one who studies light

studies in light

the one who conceived of shoes

the one who reflects 



i can be every one of these gods

at any moment

at any time


each day

one now

one tomorrow

tue on twosday



the end of all idols and idolatry

it isnt true